• Question: is there anyway to replenish dead skin cells?

    Asked by lil peep to Daniel, Fiona, Hazel, Jacque, K, Matthew on 13 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Once a skin cell is dead it cannot be brought back to life, but new skin cells are constantly being made and replacing these dead ones

    • Photo: Jacque Cilliers

      Jacque Cilliers answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Dead skins cells sit on the skin for a little while and then fall off by themselves. You can see this if you have dandruff… that’s what dandruff is, its dead skin cells that are coming off your scalp. These dead skin cells are then replaced by new skin cells. If dead skin cells didn’t fall off by themselves, we’d keep getting more skin layered on more skin until we were round as a ball.

    • Photo: K Sasitharan

      K Sasitharan answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, meat and milk will keep your body rich in vitamins and protein which are essential for your body to replenish new skin cells.
