• Question: if you walk in a straight line will you get back to the same point?

    Asked by 343curm25 to Matthew, K, Jacque, Hazel, Fiona, Daniel on 2 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 2 Mar 2018:

      Probably not. The earth is not a perfect sphere so it would be very hard to get a perfectly straight line that matched up once you had went round the world. Plus I don’t know about you, but I would find it hard to walk in in a straight line in the oceans!

    • Photo: K Sasitharan

      K Sasitharan answered on 7 Mar 2018:

      It depends. If you walk in a straight line within your room, you might be able to trace it back (the distance being negligible in comparison to the circumference of earth), but if you are talking about walking to and fro in a straight line from America to Australia, then definitely not. Fiona has explained why.
