• Question: How would your work help better the world or help people and how would the prize money help you do this

    Asked by 242curm33 to Matthew, K, Jacque, Hazel, Fiona, Daniel on 13 Mar 2018. This question was also asked by Harry, lola :).
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      There are two main aims of my work. The first is to use computer models to find the best possible way to treat cancers through immunotherapy (where we boost the natural immune system in some way). Another main aim is to show that mathematical and computer models can be very accurate and useful in research.

      If I won i would use the money to run workshops for school pupils on the ways maths can be used in research to try and show that it can be very useful.

    • Photo: K Sasitharan

      K Sasitharan answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      The main goal of my work is to make a new generation solar cells using nanosheets, which will be efficient, cheaper and environment friendly. Another goal is to design flexible solar cells using these nanosheets so that the solar cells can be integrated into screens, clothing etc as a wearable technology with new applications.

      With the prize money, I would make videos about the basics of solar cell technology with diy experiments relevant at the school level to share my knowledge with students and also to create an awareness about the role of research in energy applications.
