• Question: how long have you been scientists for?

    Asked by amy to Fiona, Hazel, Jacque, K, Matthew on 15 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 15 Mar 2018:

      I have been a PhD student researcher for almost 3 years, but I have been doing research projects for about 4 years

    • Photo: Hazel Gibson

      Hazel Gibson answered on 16 Mar 2018:

      I suppose I could say I have been a scientist since I did my first degree, when I really properly learned to use the scientific method to answer my own questions about the world, so that would be, err 15 years (man that makes me feel old). I have worked as a research scientist now for 5 years, but I would say that I have been a scientist for much longer than either of those things because I would say you become a scientist when you first realise that experiments can help you find your own answers to questions and that would be from when I was given my first toy microscope as a child, so well over 20 years!!!
