• Question: does the strength of our immune system affect our chances of being diagnosed with cancer?

    Asked by 765curm44 to Hazel, Fiona on 13 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 13 Mar 2018:

      Yes, your immune system can help remove and cells that could lead to cancer before we are even able to detect it. If your immune system is weaker then it may not be as good at getting rid of cancer cells.

      However there are lots of ways cancer cells can avoid the immune response, so even if you have a really strong immune system it may not be able to remove the cancer.

    • Photo: Hazel Gibson

      Hazel Gibson answered on 14 Mar 2018:

      I don’t really know much about cancer I’m afraid, so I will totally leave this question with Fiona’s answer!

      Though I would say a lot of your chance of being -diagnosed- with cancer is up to you noticing something is up with your body and going to get it checked out at the doctor. So make sure you are doing regular checks of yourself, so you notice if something changes.
