• Question: How hard did you have to work to get where you are now

    Asked by 297curm38 to Fiona, Hazel, Jacque, K on 16 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Fiona Macfarlane

      Fiona Macfarlane answered on 16 Mar 2018:

      I did have to work quite hard at university to do well, but this was not too bad as long as I studied. I would say the most important thing is keeping motivated and just not giving up when things don’t go as planned

    • Photo: Hazel Gibson

      Hazel Gibson answered on 16 Mar 2018:

      Well it took me a long time to get where I am, so at times I worked very hard and at other times I didn’t work hard at all! I think it’s bad for you to work too hard for too long – it’s better to spread your work out and take breaks when you need them. If you work too hard for too long you can get exhausted and stop having good ideas. Trying to stay motivated can be a big part of work in science because sometimes research can take ages, but it’s better than trying to do it all in one go. Take your time and enjoy the scenery.
